Wednesday, July 2, 2008

THOSE #@X%#**X BARKERS .....

O'REILLY, LUKA!!!! That is NOT nice! Get them out of here .... Eeeewwwww.

Oh boy, now what. There goes the movies .... such a great selection everybunn suggested too.

Maybe those barkers would like to float down over Colorado here .... one, two, three .....


d. moll, said...

Lock them in the bathroom, now! What happened to the snack cart?

Deb Cushman said...

Yikes! Snakes on our plane! Did those barkers let them loose? Well, it's not a boring flight!

Fez and the Gang said...

Umm, I need a refill of my oat groats, where is the flight bun-tendant?

Zinger said...

uhhh i don't know WHAT your blaming O'Reilly for but we left him home after that little "incident" with Archi Ann :-) So some other dog must have smuggled on the plane! (But thanks for inviting him!)

and i'll take the snack cart next

this is a blast!

PJ said...

You may be having too much fun. Do you pick up stragglers? My adopted bunny, Dave, would love to fly the bunnly skies with you.

L.Bo Marie said...

lol... is there a seat really big enough for Toufy's butt?? or does the arm rest go up?

Fynn Pants refuses to sit near anyone with cilantro breath.